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Volunteer Information

Please email us if you have any questions or need further clarification on a role you're interested in.

Coffee/Tea & Drinks

This is what most would agree is the most important position, ensure we all have ample coffee (good coffee) and hot tea available throughout the mornings, day, and night. This also includes bottled water, orange drink, etc.


Vehicle is preferred. Be available for set-up and tear down for both events and help take an item inventory.


Help prepare food at the Bronson facility or prep donated food arrangements from the recovering alcoholics attending the event. Proper hygiene is expected and potentially use of masks which will be decided by the Coordinator.

Publicity (Awareness)

Prepare flyers & help distribute them across the Ottawa area in AA meetings.

Safety & Security

Volunteers are to provide a safe experience for all attending the Alkathon on either Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve. You will be making sure that the Bronson facility is respected properly, 7th Traditions are kept safe, and no persons sleeping about the facility overnight. We are calling for all types, large and small, women and men.

Set-up / Tear Down

Help decorate the hall, set-up the stations for food & drinks, ensure washrooms are kept in a healthy and tidy state, and enough garbage cans to collect people's used plates or coffee cups.

General / Flexible

Happy to help wherever needed!

Group Meetings

GSRs or Group Leaders can submit the form on behalf of their group to confirm their willingness to host meetings. Meetings time will run from 11:00 am to 6:00 am (start times). Meeting time-slots will be done via a lottery fashion.


Arrange for Big Books and 12x12s to be available at all times throughout the event. As well as ensuring the Sobriety Countdown which will be held on New Year's Eve at approximately 10:00 pm. You will help the Meeting Coordinator set-up meetings for Al-Anon & Alateen.


Help with greeting everyone at the entrances and ensure they know where the meetings are held, where food & drinks are, and any other important details.


Be the liaison between our humble guests and the kitchen. Servers must wear gloves and aprons at all times.

Happy Holidays

Volunteer Form

Tell us which position you wish to learn more about or volunteer for.

Choose a shift (or both)

Thanks for submitting!

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